Investiture Ceremony 2024-25: Nurturing Future Leaders at Niraj International School
If it is dark, the light is brighter.
By Vidhi Dasani – Grade X
Even when a part is hidden away,
If it is dark, the light is brighter.
By Vidhi Dasani – Grade X
Even when a part is hidden away,
If it is dark, the light is brighter.
By Vidhi Dasani – Grade X
Even when a part is hidden away,
If it is dark, the light is brighter.
By Vidhi Dasani – Grade X
Even when a part is hidden away,
If it is dark, the light is brighter.
By Vidhi Dasani – Grade X
Even when a part is hidden away,
Creating good people, better learners and the best problem solvers for an excellent future tomorrow.
132, 133, Kandlakoya, 5 km from Dhola-ri-Dhani, Hyderabad (T.S), India.